Our duties

We have a duty to ensure that the water we supply to premises for domestic purposes (for drinking, washing and cooking) is 'wholesome' at the time it is supplied. 'Wholesome water' complies with the water quality requirements in the Water Act 1991. We regularly monitor the wholesomeness of the supplies we provide by sampling at points throughout the treatment and distribution system. We also have a duty to enforce the regulations. We do this mainly by a combination of issuing consent for plumbing work to be carried out and by inspection of new and existing premises for compliance.

The duties of marina operators and users regarding the prevention of contamination

After water has been supplied to premises it can become contaminated by being in contact with unsuitable materials in the plumbing system, by ingress of contaminants, for example from an uncovered storage cistern, or by backflow of contaminated water from fittings or appliances. Under health and safety legislation, marina operators must ensure that employees and visitors to their premises are not put at risk, and berth holders and boat users visiting marinas also have a responsibility to ensure they do not create health and safety risks. This legal duty is reinforced by the Water Industry Acts and the Water Byelaws, which require marina operators and users to ensure that water supplies within the premises are adequately safeguarded against contamination. Operators and users also have responsibility for ensuring that water fittings are installed and maintained in compliance with the Byelaws. We have the power to prosecute those who infringe the Byelaws, and can disconnect supplies that pose a serious risk to health. Action may be taken to recover from marina operators the costs incurred in responding to a water contamination incident, which can be significant.