Standard electricity charges (NA, NC) are levied in respect of commercial premises which are supplied with electricity which comprises a daily standing charge and a consumption based unit charge below. When signing up for your new tariff why not also sign up for Direct Debit and e-billing which will provide you with an extra £1.50 discount on your quarterly bill.

Unit charge

Pence per unit

Standing charge

Pence per day

28.5p  24.6p


 Peak Off Peak Standing Charge
7am - Midnight Midnight - 7am   

28.5p    Per Unit

19p   Per Unit

 24.6p  Per Day

Please Note that the times stated are Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and will alter during British Summer Time (BST). However, if you have a smart meter installed it will be programmed to UTC and therefore there will be no requirement to adjust your time settings.

The EVC Tariff is a two-rate tariff with a separate electricity meter required. It is available to Commercial customers who wish to install electric vehicle charging with a maximum capacity of 49kVA. The customer must have off road car parking and provide a dedicated Electric Vehicle charging circuit, no other equipment must be connected to this circuit.

For further information and what to do next please read our Electric Vehicle Commercial Tariff guidance

If you require a supply more than 50kVa you can apply for our Economy 8 Demand Tariff



The Commercial Plus tariff is available for customers at a commercial premises where the supply is between single phase 10kW or three phase 50kW maximum supply, with a balanced load and a power factor of 0.9 or better and electricity is the primary source of heating for the entire business premise.

This tariff gives 8 hours availability at a reduced tariff for all use. This tariff is available where Air or Ground Source heat pumps, or off-peak storage heating load is utilised between the hours of 23.00 – 07.00 (8 Hours) ±15mins. The ±15mins band is to allow for variations in time clock accuracy within the meter and it is the responsibility of the customer to check the accuracy of the meter to ensure any timing systems are co-ordinated. The customer should install a time switch to control times of use. We will supply a two rate meter to give the customer benefit of the reduced tariff.

A minimum of 6kW heating load is required to qualify.

The customer will be required to provide a Direct Dial Inwards phone line/extension. Alternatively the MUA may provide a mobile data Sim both will incur an additional charge per month as per Appendix A (currently £5.00)

This is a two rate tariff and is subject to Direct Debit payments to qualify. Invoices will attract commercial VAT at 20%


Off Peak

Standing Charge

7am -11pm

11pm- 7am


28.5p          per unit

16.7p          per unit

24.6p       per day


The Economy 8 Tariff (E8) is a two rate tariff available to customers who do not exceed 15kVA single phase or 50kVA on a three phase supply. The customer will be supplied at low voltage from the MUA network. The load will be required to be taken as balanced over the three phases and have a power factor of 0.9 or better. The customer will be required to utilise 30% of their load during the off peak hour’s period to qualify.

 Peak Off Peak Standing Charge
7am - 11pm 11pm - 7am   

28.5p            Per Unit

18p            Per Unit

 24.6p                 Per Day

A two-rate ‘Economy 8 Demand’ tariff (M3 LV, M4, HV) is also offered for premises industrial premises where load exceeds 50kVA and where a minimum of 30% of daily load is consumed during the off peak period (23:00-07:00) and whose load exceeds 50kVA.  The lower rate unit charge is available from 23:00 to 07:00 (GMT)  or have a dedicated meter for charging electric vehicles where the capacity of the connected EV chargers exceeds 50kW. Charges are as follows:


Off Peak

Standing Charge

7am -11pm

11pm- 7am


25.7          per unit

18p          per unit

42.9p       per day

The Maximum Demand (MD) charge is applied for the highest demand recorded in a half-hour period in any month, subject to a minimum of 50 kVA.  The Maximum Demand charge is £2.76 per kVA per month (plus VAT). 

An Agreed Supply Capacity (ASC) charge is applied based on the customer’s required capacity and penalty charges will be applied for customers exceeding their ASC in any month.  The Agreed Supply Capacity charge is £1.51 per kVA per month (plus VAT) and the penalty charge is £32.50 per kVA per month. 

Industrial customers may also be required to provide a Direct Dial Inwards phone line/extension or mobile data (cellular/SIM) at an additional charge of £5.00 per month. 

A private generation tariff (M1 PT LV, M2 PT HV, M3 PT LV, M4 PT HV) is also available for the industrial tariffs to accommodate combined heat and power installations. In addition to the charges above, a Reserve Demand charge is applied based on the installed generation capacity and is imposed to reflect the reduction in income from lost unit sales to support the ongoing cost of operating our network. Reserve Demand charge of £4.29 kVA per month.

If you require a supply more than 50kVa you can apply for our Economy 8 Demand Tariff.



A maximum demand tariff (M1 LV, M2 HV) is offered to industrial premises where load exceeds 50kVA. A daily standing charge, consumption based unit charge and demand and capacity charges as follows


Unit Rate

Standing Charge


Pence per unit

Pence per day


25.7p          per unit

42.9p          per day

£2.76         per kVA

The Maximum Demand (MD) charge is applied for the highest demand recorded in a half-hour period in any month, subject to a minimum of 50 kVA.  The Maximum Demand charge is £2.76 per kVA per month (plus VAT). 

An Agreed Supply Capacity (ASC) charge is applied based on the customer’s required capacity and penalty charges will be applied for customers exceeding their ASC in any month.  The Agreed Supply Capacity charge is £1.51 per kVA per month (plus VAT) and the penalty charge is £32.50 per kVA per month. 

Industrial customers may also be required to provide a Direct Dial Inwards phone line/extension or mobile data (cellular/SIM) at an additional charge of £5.00 per month. 

A private generation tariff (M1 PT LV, M2 PT HV, M3 PT LV, M4 PT HV) is also available for the industrial tariffs to accommodate combined heat and power installations.  In addition to the charges above, a Reserve Demand charge is applied based on the installed generation capacity and is imposed to reflect the reduction in income from lost unit sales to support the ongoing cost of operating our network. Reserve Demand charge of £4.29 kVA per month.

This tariff is available to customers whose annual consumption exceeds 1 million kWh per annum and have a load factor of at least 70%.  It  provides a single low 24/7/365 unit rate to recognise the beneficial nature of a relatively  flat demand shape on the operation of our network and which is easily accommodated by our generation facilities.  If the consumption or load factor drops below 1 Million units per annum or 70% over a 12-month period, we will withdraw the tariff and replace it with a more appropriate tariff. The customer will be required to demonstrate a continuous load factor of above 70% using the maximum kW recorded in a 12 month period. 

Customers are required to provide a direct dial inwards phone line/extension. Alternatively we may provide a mobile data Sim. Both incur additional charges per month. This tariff will require the payment of an Agreed Supply Capacity Charge (ASC) in kVA. This figure is defined by the customer to meet their expected peak demand in any half hour period per month. If the customer exceeds this then a penalty charge will be applied. This tariff also incurs a Maximum Demand (MD) charge which is based on the peak half-hour demand in kVA in any month.


 Peak Off Peak Standing Charge
7am - 11pm 11pm - 7am   

19.2p            Per Unit

19.2p            Per Unit

 42.9p                 Per Day

High Volume

The High Volume Tariff (HVU1) is available to customers whose consumption exceeds 1,000,000 kWh per annum, and provides a slightly reduced unit rate to recognise the greater demand provided by high volume users.

Customers are required to provide a direct dial inwards phone line/extension. Alternatively we may provide a mobile data Sim. Both incur additional charges per month.  This tariff will require the payment of an Agreed Supply Capacity Charge (ASC) in kVA. This figure is defined by the customer to meet their expected peak demand in any half hour period per month. If the customer exceeds this then a penalty charge will be applied. This tariff incurs a Maximum Demand (MD) charge which is based on the peak half-hour demand in kVA in any month.

Unit Rate

Pence per unit

Standing charge

Pence per day

Demand per kVA

24.4p  42.9p £2.76

High Volume - 2 Rate

The High Volume 2 Rate (HVU2) is a two rate tariff and can be provided to customer who utilise at least 30% of their load during the off peak hours to qualify. MUA will monitor, amend and charge retrospectively when the tariff criteria is not met. Customers who qualify for the HVU2 tariff can use the period of 23.00—07.00 for the operation and benefit of their business at a lower rate.

 Peak Off Peak Standing Charge
7am - 11pm 11pm - 7am   
24.4p            Per Unit 18p            Per Unit 42.9p                 Per Day



The Public Lighting (PL) Tariff is available for local authorities for public lighting supplies, to the highway authority for traffic control equipment and for telecoms were telephone kiosks require a lighting supply. This tariff applies to unmetered supplies and the onus is placed on the relevant authority, to advise of any changes they may make to the installations on a regular basis advising the location, type, rating and running hours of the equipment. This must be reported to MUA on a monthly basis.

Any supply registered on the PL Tariff must comply with the UK Electricity (unmetered) Supply Regulations (SI 2001/3263). In general the Regulations require that the load must be predictable and either less than or 500 W; or it is impractical for the supply to be metered either technically, financially or for legal reasons.


Unit charge

Pence per unit

Standing charge

Pence per day

27.6p  0p



This tariff (CSG)  is available to commercial and industrial customers for Zero-Carbon, Green Generation ONLY. This may include wind or water turbines, PV arrays or a combination of installations. The tariff allows the customer to sell units generated back to us at a fixed rate. It operates as a "bolt-on" to existing tariffs and does not attract any additional standing charges or fees. The maximum export capacity is subject to a network study and must not exceed 10kW Domestic or 50kW Commercial and comply with relevant G98 or G99 Engineering Standard.  Not all properties will be suitable for connecting Sustainable Generation.

Sustainable generation tariff


Standing Charge

Pence per day

-9.5p *


* payment for electricity units generated and sold to us.

Sustainable Generation Tariff

This tariff is an uplift to our other tariffs. We will ensure that electricity supplied to the customers premises is matched to renewable energy. It is available to commercial and industrial customers who are on our commercial maximum demand tariff.  You must commit to a minimum 12-month duration for the green tariff and a 12-month notice period is required should you wish to cease using the tariff.

Electricity units (standard and off peak) and standing charges will be at the rate(s) for the underlying tariff plus an additional 1.5pence per unit (plus VAT).

Customers can benefit from discount by signing up to our e-billing service and Direct Debit.

We will ensure that sufficient renewable, zero carbon electricity is sourced to meet your electricity supply requirements for the year commencing 1st April annually. Securing of renewable electricity maybe from Manx Utilities' own generating stations, or purchased from third party generators, including importing of renewable energy.

We will undertake an annual assurance process and publish a report annually on our website by the 31 July for the proceeding financial year, it will set out the additional renewable electricity sourced to meet the green tariff customer demand. The report will be certified by an external auditor. Customers may request an individual certificate upon payment of a fee, the initial fee for an individual customer statement is £100 (plus VAT) and will be subject to change.  

Should an existing customer on our previous Green Tariff like to transfer to the Guaranteed Green Tariff, please apply in the same way, there will be no fee for the transfer.

Guaranteed Green Tariff Leaflet

Guaranteed Green Tariff 2023-24 Report